Why Warehouses Are Rapidly Getting Leased In The US

Why Warehouses Are Rapidly Getting Leased In The US

Have you been wondering why warehouses are rapidly getting leased in the US? Warehouse leasing demand continues to surge as various factors contribute to the growth of the industrial real estate sector. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the different types of industrial properties that are driving warehouse demand and explore their unique characteristics.

We will examine how omnichannel retailers have become significant tenants in the warehouse space, utilizing these facilities for storage and distribution purposes. Additionally, we’ll discuss the global supply chain’s impact on warehouse demand by looking at free trade agreements, workforce training initiatives, and software platforms that facilitate communication between stakeholders.

Furthermore, our analysis covers third-party logistics providers (3PLs) occupying a considerable portion of available warehouse spaces while offering valuable services to businesses both large and small. Finally, we invite you to discover your local area’s vast warehouse industry by exploring tenant diversity within industrial parks and recognizing lesser-known businesses contributing significantly to this thriving sector.

Types of Industrial Real Estate

Industrial real estate includes warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and flex spaces, each serving a unique purpose in the supply chain.

Warehouses for Storage and Distribution

Warehouses provide an ideal environment for businesses to store their products before they are shipped out or repackaged, offering features such as high ceilings, racking systems like industrial warehouse racking , wide aisles, loading docks and temperature-controlled environments. They feature high ceilings, racking systems like industrial warehouse racking, wide aisles, loading docks, and temperature-controlled environments.

Manufacturing Facilities for Production Processes

Manufacturing facilities cater to the production process itself, with specialized equipment such as assembly lines or machinery designed for producing goods at scale. They may also have designated areas for research & development (R&D) or quality control testing.

Flex Spaces Combining Office Areas with Industrial Use

Flex spaces offer a combination of office space with warehouse or light manufacturing capabilities. They’re perfect for companies that require both administrative workspaces alongside an area for storing inventory or conducting limited-scale production activities.

Who Needs Industrial Real Estate?

  • Retailers: Furniture stores, clothing brands, and electronics outlets require extensive warehousing solutions due to their large inventories.
  • Manufacturers: Companies that produce goods on a large scale need manufacturing facilities to accommodate their production processes and equipment.
  • E-commerce Companies: Online retailers rely heavily on warehouses for storing inventory, fulfilling orders, and managing returns.

The diversity of industrial real estate types ensures that businesses can find the perfect space to suit their unique needs. To learn more about how extensive the warehouse industry is in your local area, consider exploring nearby industrial parks where you’ll likely discover numerous warehouses leased by different types of tenants.

Omnichannel Retailers as Warehouse Tenants

A significant portion of warehouse tenants come from omnichannel retailers who require these large spaces to store their products before they’re shipped out or repackaged. Examples include furniture stores, clothing brands, electronics outlets, department stores, and home improvement centers. Warehousing is a must for these businesses to meet the demands of their physical stores and digital marketplaces.

Furniture Stores Needing Ample Storage Space

Furniture items are bulky and heavy, making it necessary for companies like Rooms To Go or Living Spaces to lease large warehouses that can accommodate their inventory efficiently.

Clothing Brands Managing Inventory Levels

Clothing brands like Gap Inc. rely on expansive warehouses to manage fluctuating inventory levels throughout different seasons effectively. This allows them to keep up with consumer demands and maintain a seamless shopping experience across all channels.

Electronics Outlets Storing Goods Before Shipping

Companies like Best Buy or Newegg utilize warehouses to store a wide range of products, from laptops and smartphones to home appliances, before shipping them out to customers or retail locations.

Department stores such as Macy’s Inc., which owns Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s; home improvement centers like The Home Depot; and even online giants like Amazon all contribute significantly towards the demand for industrial real estate in this sector.

The growing trend of omnichannel retailing has led to an increased demand for warehouse leasing among various industries. This not only highlights the importance of having adequate warehousing solutions but also showcases how diverse tenant needs can be within this market segment.

The Impact of Global Supply Chain on Warehouse Demand

Warehouses are in high demand due to the complex global supply chain. Let’s explore how different aspects of the supply chain contribute to the need for warehousing solutions.

Free Trade Agreements Boosting Cross-Border Transactions

Free trade agreements (FTAs) between countries have made it easier for businesses to access markets across borders. This has increased the need for storage and distribution facilities as companies source materials and products from different regions at competitive prices.

Trained Workforce Managing Logistics Activities

A skilled workforce is crucial for smooth operations within the global supply chain. Experienced personnel are essential to ensure the efficient completion of logistics operations such as transportation, storage, and circulation. As more businesses expand globally, they require additional warehouse space managed by experts who understand how to navigate this intricate network.

Software Platforms Enabling Effective Communication

Sophisticated software platforms like Oracle SCM Cloud and SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain Management streamline communication between all parties involved in the global supply chain. These platforms help companies track inventory levels, manage orders, and coordinate shipments with ease. As businesses adopt these technologies to optimize their operations, the need for warehouse space that can support such advanced systems will only grow.

From free trade agreements to a trained workforce and software platforms, various factors within the global supply chain contribute significantly to the increasing demand for warehouse leasing. Warehouses play an indispensable role in supporting this vast network of interconnected businesses.

To stay competitive, suppliers and distributors must adapt their warehousing solutions accordingly. Gaining insight into the factors that influence warehouse demand is essential for making informed decisions about your own storage needs and those of other businesses in the industry.

Key Takeaway: The global supply chain has increased the demand for warehouse leasing due to free trade agreements, a trained workforce managing logistics activities, and software platforms enabling effective communication. Warehouses play an essential role in supporting this vast network of interconnected businesses, and suppliers and distributors must adapt their warehousing solutions accordingly to stay competitive.


Third-Party Logistics Providers (3PLs) Occupying Warehouse Space

Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) are dominating the warehouse leasing market. In fact, 90% of Fortune 500 companies use a 3PL for logistical support. Small businesses can reduce overhead costs and focus on core competencies by partnering with a 3PL. Larger organizations can concentrate on other critical areas while still maintaining efficient distribution networks through trusted partners like XPO LogisticsC.H Robinson Worldwide Inc., or DHL Supply Chain & Global Forwarding Division.

Small Businesses Outsourcing Warehouse Operations

By leveraging the expertise and resources of 3PLs, smaller enterprises can access advanced supply chain solutions without investing heavily in infrastructure or personnel. Working with a 3PL allows small business owners to scale up or down as needed based on fluctuations in demand.

Large Corporations Relying on 3PLs for Logistical Support

Outsourcing certain aspects of supply chain management enables larger organizations to concentrate on other critical areas such as product development and marketing strategies. This is possible while still maintaining efficient distribution networks through trusted partners like XPO Logistics, C.H Robinson Worldwide Inc., or DHL Supply Chain & Global Forwarding Division.

The Variety of Services Offered by 3PLs

  • Transportation: 3PLs handle the transportation of goods from one location to another, utilizing various modes such as trucking, air freight, rail or ocean shipping.
  • Warehousing: They provide storage solutions for businesses that require space to store their products before they are shipped out or repackaged. This includes temperature-controlled facilities and specialized racking systems for different types of inventory.
  • Distribution: Third-party logistics providers manage the distribution process by coordinating shipments between manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and end customers. This may involve tasks like order fulfillment, packaging and labeling services.
  • Value-Added Services: Many 3PLs also offer additional services such as customs brokerage, reverse logistics (returns management), cross-docking and supply chain consulting to further optimize operations for their clients.

Third-party logistics providers offer tailored warehousing solutions along with other logistical support functions. They play an essential role in shaping this ever-evolving sector.

Key Takeaway: Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) are dominating the warehouse leasing market, with 90% of Fortune 500 companies using a 3PL for logistical support. Small businesses can reduce overhead costs and focus on core competencies by partnering with a 3PL while larger organizations can concentrate on other critical areas while still maintaining efficient distribution networks through trusted partners like XPO Logistics, C.H Robinson Worldwide Inc., or DHL Supply Chain & Global Forwarding Division.


Discovering the Vast Warehouse Industry in Your Local Area

Want to know how extensive the warehouse industry is? Check out your local industrial parks. You’ll find a plethora of warehouses leased by different types of tenants – from well-known brands to smaller businesses without household names. This exercise will help you appreciate just how vast and diverse the warehouse leasing landscape truly is.

Exploring local industrial parks for insight into tenant diversity

Industrial parks are home to a wide variety of businesses that require warehousing solutions for their operations. By visiting these areas, you can observe firsthand the range of companies utilizing these spaces and get an idea of different warehouse types and operations. Exploring industrial parks can be a great way to make connections with other industry professionals and discover potential opportunities for collaboration.

Recognizing lesser-known businesses occupying large spaces

Many SMEs, whose names may not be well-known, occupy considerable warehouse space for their operations. These SMEs might not have household names but still contribute significantly to both regional economies as well as global supply chains. For example, they could be niche manufacturers or specialized distributors who need ample storage facilities due to high demand or seasonal fluctuations in sales volume.

  • Niche Manufacturers: Companies specializing in producing unique products like artisanal foods or custom-made furniture may require larger warehouses than expected due to limited production capacity elsewhere.
  • Distributors: Many smaller distribution firms manage inventories on behalf of various clients within specific industries such as automotive parts suppliers or medical equipment providers – requiring them also lease substantial warehousing facilities themselves.

Appreciating the sheer scale and complexity within this sector

The warehouse industry is an essential component of global trade, supporting a vast array of businesses in various sectors. By exploring your local industrial parks, you’ll gain insight into the complexities that come with managing such large-scale operations – from warehouse management best practices to understanding how different companies utilize their space efficiently.

In addition to appreciating the scale of these facilities, take note of how technology plays a role in modern warehousing solutions. Many warehouses now employ advanced systems like automated racking or inventory tracking software to streamline processes and improve efficiency. This highlights not only the importance but also the constant evolution taking place within this vital industry.

Key Takeaway: Exploring local industrial parks can provide insight into the vast and diverse warehouse leasing landscape, including tenant diversity and different types of warehouses. It’s important to recognize that lesser-known businesses also occupy large spaces, contributing significantly to regional economies and global supply chains. Additionally, technology plays a crucial role in modern warehousing solutions, highlighting the constant evolution taking place within this vital industry.


FAQs in Relation to Warehouse Leasing Demand

Are warehouses in high demand?

Yes, warehouses are in high demand due to the growth of e-commerce, globalization, and supply chain disruptions.

Companies require efficient storage and distribution solutions to meet customer expectations and maintain inventory levels.

Recent market reports show increasing warehouse leasing activity across various industries.

What are the warehousing trends in 2023?

Key warehousing trends for 2023 include automation technologies, sustainable practices, flexible spaces with office areas combined with industrial use, on-demand warehousing services for small businesses or seasonal demands, and a growing reliance on third-party logistics providers (3PLs).

Learn more about these trends from this MHL News article.

What is the future of warehousing?

The future of warehousing involves increased adoption of advanced technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics for improved efficiency.

Warehouses will also focus on sustainability initiatives such as energy-efficient lighting systems and green building materials.

Read more about it in this Supply Chain Digital article.

What are the benefits of on-demand warehousing?

  • Cost savings from reduced fixed overheads
  • Scalability to accommodate fluctuating demand
  • Flexible contract terms for short-term needs
  • Access to advanced technology and expertise
  • Improved inventory management and visibility

Why Warehouses Are Rapidly Getting Leased In The US: Conclusion

Warehouse Leasing Demand

Warehouse leasing demand is influenced by factors such as the type of industrial real estate needed, the need for storage space by omnichannel retailers, and the impact of global supply chains on logistics activities.

Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) also play a significant role in occupying warehouse spaces, making it essential to explore local industrial parks to understand tenant diversity and appreciate the vast scale and complexity within this sector.

Suppliers and distributors looking for warehouse leasing options must carefully consider their specific requirements, with free trade agreements encouraging cross-border transactions and software platforms enabling effective communication, there are plenty of opportunities available to optimize logistical operations.

Contact Warehouse Solutions for all your warehousing and storage needs!