7 Effective Types of Industrial Warehouse Racking

Industrial racking systems are an essential component of efficient warehouse operations, providing optimal storage solutions and inventory management. It is essential to decide on the proper system for your specific requirements from the various racking options available. In this blog post, we will delve into the 7 best warehouse storage solutions & industrial racking systems that possess unique benefits. 

From adjustable pallet racking to very narrow aisle (VNA) configurations, each type offers distinct advantages in terms of space utilization and adaptability. Additionally, we’ll explore double deep pallet racking as well as compact storage systems like drive-in/drive-thru and live pallet racks that maximize vertical space while improving organization. 

Lastly, you’ll discover how longspan shelving solutions can be customized for diverse storage requirements and learn about multi-tier racking systems designed for efficient inventory management. We’ll also discuss carton flow rack systems that utilize gravity-fed designs to streamline high-volume order fulfillment processes within your warehouse. 

Adjustable Pallet Racking: A Versatile Warehouse Storage Solution 

One of the most popular and versatile warehouse racking systems available today is Adjustable Pallet Racking (APR). This type of racking system offers businesses a simple yet effective solution for storing palletized goods, with easy access to each item. The flexibility of APR allows it to accommodate various product sizes, making it an ideal choice for companies with diverse inventory needs. 

Simple Installation and Configuration Process 

The installation process for Adjustable Pallet Racks is straightforward, requiring minimal time and effort. Once installed, these racks can be easily reconfigured as needed to adapt to changes in your inventory or warehouse layout. With its modular design, APR enables you to expand your storage capacity without significant disruptions to your existing warehouse operations. 

  • Ease of assembly: Simple bolt-together connections make assembling the racking quick and hassle-free. 
  • Fewer components: Compared to other types of racking systems like cantilever or double deep racks, APR requires fewer parts which simplifies the installation process. 
  • No special tools required:You don’t need any specialized equipment or expertise when installing adjustable pallet racks; just follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. 

Adaptable To Different Product Sizes 

In addition to being easy-to-install and configure, one key advantage that sets Adjustable Pallet Racks apart from other warehouse storage solutions is their ability to cater to a wide range of product sizes. Whether you need to store large, bulky items or smaller goods on pallets, APR can be customized to meet your specific requirements. 

  1. Adjustable beam levels: The horizontal beams in an APR system can be easily adjusted at different heights, allowing for optimal storage of various-sized products. 
  2. Selective access: With its open design and wider aisles, Adjustable Pallet Racking enables easy access to each pallet without the need for specialized material handling equipment like turret trucks or order pickers. 
  3. Pallet compatibility: APR is designed to accommodate standard-sized pallets as well as custom dimensions; simply adjust the rack configuration accordingly. 

In today’s competitive business environment, having a flexible and efficient warehouse racking system is crucial for success. By investing in Adjustable Pallet Racks, companies can optimize their inventory management processes while maximizing their available warehouse space. Explore our range of high-quality pallet racking solutions today and transform your existing warehouse into a more organized and productive workspace. 

Adjustable pallet racking is an ideal solution for warehouses that require flexible and efficient storage solutions. Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Racking provides a greater level of efficiency due to its reduced aisle widths, making it perfect for high-density storage applications. 

Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Racking 

One of the most efficient ways to maximize your warehouse space is by implementing a VNA racking system. As the name suggests, this type of industrial racking reduces aisle widths between racks, allowing you to store more products in the same area. VNA systems are compatible with specialized material handling equipment such as turret trucks or order pickers, ensuring that your warehouse operations run smoothly and efficiently. 

Increased Storage Capacity Due to Reduced Aisle Width 

The primary advantage of VNA racking lies in its ability to increase storage capacity within your existing warehouse space. By reducing aisle widths from 12-16 feet down to just 6-8 feet, you can fit more racks into the same floor area. This results in a significant improvement in storage density without compromising on accessibility or safety for workers navigating through these tighter spaces. 

Compatible with Specialized Material Handling Equipment 

To ensure optimal performance and efficiency when using VNA racking systems, it’s essential to invest in specialized material handling equipment designed for narrow aisles. Some examples include turret trucks, which have rotating forks that allow them to maneuver easily within tight spaces; and order pickers, which enable operators to quickly retrieve items from high shelves while maintaining precise control over their movements. 

  • Turret Trucks: These vehicles feature rotating forks that make it easy for operators to navigate narrow aisles while still being able to pick up and transport pallets efficiently. 
  • Order Pickers: Designed for high-level order picking, these machines allow workers to quickly access items stored on shelves without having to climb ladders or rely on other manual methods of retrieval. 

Incorporating VNA racking systems into your warehouse operations can significantly improve storage capacity while maintaining efficient movement of materials handling equipment. By investing in the right material handling solutions, you’ll be able to optimize your warehouse space and streamline inventory management processes for a more productive work environment. 

VNA racking is an efficient and cost-effective solution for warehouses looking to increase storage capacity without taking up more space. Double deep pallet racking offers a higher level of density than traditional APR systems, making it ideal for businesses that need to maximize their available warehouse space. 


Key Takeaway: VNA racking systems are an ideal solution for maximizing warehouse space and efficiency, as they reduce aisle widths from 12-16 feet down to 6-8 feet without compromising safety. With the right material handling equipment such as turret trucks or order pickers, this system can help you squeeze every last drop of storage capacity out of your facility while keeping operations running smoothly. 


Double Deep Pallet Racking: An Efficient Solution for High-Density Storage 

When it comes to optimizing warehouse space and increasing storage capacity, double deep pallet racking is an excellent solution. This innovative industrial racking system stores two pallets deep per bay, effectively doubling the density compared to standard adjustable pallet racking systems. In this section, we will discuss the benefits of double deep racking and its compatibility with specialized reach trucks. 

Doubles Storage Density Compared to APR Systems 

The primary advantage of double deep pallet racking lies in its ability to significantly increase storage density within your warehouse. By storing two pallets per bay instead of one, you can maximize available floor space while maintaining a streamlined inventory management process. This high-density storage system allows businesses with limited warehouse space or rapidly growing inventories to efficiently manage their products without sacrificing accessibility. 

  • Increase storage capacity: Double deep racks allow you to store more products in less space by utilizing depth as well as height and width. 
  • Fewer aisles required: With increased product density, fewer aisles are needed between rows of racks, further maximizing floor space usage. 
  • Economical option: As a cost-effective alternative to other high-density solutions like drive-in/drive-thru or live pallet rackingsystems , double deep racking offers significant savings on initial investment costs while still providing efficient use of available warehouse area. 

Selecting the Right Reach Trucks for Optimal Use 

To fully benefit from the advantages offered by double deep pallet racking systems, it’s essential that they’re paired with appropriate material handling equipment such as specialized reach trucks designed specifically for these types of racks. These trucks have extended forks and specialized controls to safely and efficiently access pallets stored in the deeper bays. 

When selecting a reach truck for your double deep racking system, consider the following factors: 

  1. Lift height capacity: Ensure that the reach truck can accommodate the maximum height of your warehouse racks. 
  2. Fork length: The forks should be long enough to safely handle two pallets at once without compromising stability or maneuverability. 
  3. Precision control features: Advanced control systems enable operators to accurately position and retrieve pallets from deep storage locations with ease, reducing potential product damage or accidents during operation. 

Double Deep Pallet Racking for Density 

Incorporating double deep pallet racking into your warehouse operations is an effective way to increase storage density while maintaining efficient inventory management processes. By understanding its benefits and ensuring compatibility with appropriate material handling equipment like specialized reach trucks, you can optimize both space usage and productivity within your existing warehouse environment. To learn more about other industrial racking solutions such as selective racking or cantilever racking, explore our comprehensive guide on warehouse racking systems. 

Double Deep Pallet Racking is an efficient and cost-effective way to increase storage density in warehouses, however its use requires specific reach trucks for optimal performance. Moving on from this topic, Compact Storage Systems – Drive-In/Drive-Thru & Live Pallet Racks offer improved organization and flow management while also making the most of available vertical space.

Key Takeaway: Double deep pallet racking is a great way to maximize warehouse space and double storage capacity. By pairing it with specialized reach trucks, businesses can take advantage of its increased density while still maintaining efficient inventory management processes. This innovative industrial racking system provides an economical solution for high-density storage needs. 


Compact Storage Systems – Drive-In/Drive-Thru & Live Pallet Racks 

Compact Storage Systems like Drive-In/Drive-Thru and Live Pallet Rackings are designed for high-density warehousing situations where maximizing floor space is essential. These systems allow better utilization of vertical space while maintaining an organized flow of products within the warehouse environment. 

Efficient use of vertical space in warehouses 

In today’s competitive market, efficient use of available warehouse space is crucial to optimize operations and reduce costs. Compact storage systems provide a solution by enabling businesses to store more inventory within their existing warehouse footprint. For instance, the Drive-In/Drive-Thru racking system, which allows forklifts to drive directly into the rack structure, can increase storage capacity by up to 75% compared to selective pallet racking. 

  • Drive-In Racks: Designed with a single entry point for loading and unloading pallets on a last-in-first-out (LIFO) basis, making them ideal for storing large quantities of similar items that have longer shelf lives. 
  • Drive-Thru Racks: Feature two entry points allowing access from both ends, providing first-in-first-out (FIFO) product rotation suitable for perishable goods or items with expiration dates. 

Pallet Flow Racks: Improved organization and flow management 

Achieving effective inventory management requires not only increased storage capacity but also streamlined product movement throughout your facility. The innovative design of live pallet racks offers improved organization and flow management through its dynamic nature. Pallet Flow Racks use inclined rollers or wheels, which are gravity-fed to move pallets through the system. This design ensures that products are always available at the picking face, reducing handling times and improving overall warehouse efficiency. 

Key benefits of Pallet Flow Racks include: 

  1. High-density storage system: By storing pallets back-to-back in deep lanes, these racks can accommodate up to 20 pallets per lane, making them an ideal solution for high-volume inventory management. 
  2. FIFO product rotation: As new pallets are loaded from one end and unloaded from the other, this system naturally maintains a first-in-first-out (FIFO) product rotation without any additional effort on your part. 
  3. Reduced aisle space requirements: Since only two aisles are needed for loading and unloading operations – one at each end of the rack – you’ll save valuable floor space compared to traditional selective racking systems with wider aisles between rows. 

Incorporating compact storage systems like Drive-In/Drive-Thru and Live Pallet Rackings into your warehouse operations will not only maximize existing warehouse space but also enhance inventory management processes. With their efficient designs tailored specifically for high-density storage needs, these industrial racking solutions offer significant advantages over more conventional options such as adjustable pallet racking or double deep racking systems. 

Compact Storage Systems – Drive-In/Drive-Thru & Live Pallet Racks offer efficient use of vertical space in warehouses, improved organization and flow management for various storage needs. Longspan Shelving Solutions provide customizable configurations that are easy to assemble and disassemble as needed.

Key Takeaway: This article provides an overview of compact storage systems like Drive-InDrive-Thru and Live Pallet Racking, which are designed to maximize warehouse space efficiency. These industrial racking solutions offer significant advantages over traditional pallet racking options by allowing higher density storage while improving inventory management processes – all without breaking the bank. 


Longspan Shelving Solutions 

Longspan shelving solutions provide durable, flexible, and cost-effective options for storing medium-sized items or cartons. They offer easy assembly/disassembly processes along with customizable configurations which make them ideal choices when managing changing stock levels or varying product dimensions over time. 

Customizable Configurations for Various Storage Needs 

The adaptability of longspan shelving systems allows businesses to tailor their warehouse storage according to specific requirements. Longspan shelving systems can be adjusted to various heights, widths, and depths in order to maximize storage capacity. This flexibility is essential in maintaining an organized inventory management system while ensuring optimal use of available warehouse space. 

  • Easily adjustable shelves cater to different product sizes 
  • Versatile configurations maximize the efficiency of existing warehouse layouts 
  • Ideal solution for businesses with diverse inventory needs 

Easy Assembly and Disassembly Process 

A significant advantage of longspan shelving solutions is their ease-of-assembly process. The simple design allows quick installation without requiring specialized tools or equipment. Moreover, the disassembly process is just as straightforward – making it convenient for businesses that need temporary storage setups or require frequent reconfigurations due to seasonal demands. 

  1. No specialized tools needed during installation or removal 
  2. Suitable for temporary storage arrangements 
  3. Fits well into dynamic business environments with fluctuating demands > 

Incorporating longspan shelving solutions into your warehouse racking system not only maximizes the utilization of your existing space but also ensures efficient inventory management through its customizable features and easy-to-install design. To learn more about how longspan shelving can benefit your warehouse operations, today. 

Longspan Shelving Solutions provide a customizable and efficient storage solution for warehouses, making them an ideal choice for businesses. Moving on to Multi-Tier Racking Systems, these systems are designed to maximize the use of vertical space in warehouses while providing easy inventory management. 


Key Takeaway: Longspan shelving systems provide a flexible and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to maximize their warehouse storage space. With customizable configurations, easy assembly / disassembly processes, and the ability to adjust shelves for different product sizes, these systems are an ideal choice for companies with diverse inventory needs. 


Multi-Tier Racking Systems 

Multi-tier racking systems are designed to maximize vertical space by creating multiple levels of storage within a single structure. These systems are perfect for businesses with limited floor space, offering increased efficiency in managing inventory while maintaining easy access to stored items. By optimizing the use of warehouse space, multi-tier racking can greatly improve your warehouse operations and overall productivity. 

Maximizes Use of Vertical Warehouse Space 

  • Floor utilization: Multi-tier racking takes advantage of unused vertical space, allowing you to store more products without expanding your existing warehouse footprint. 
  • Increase capacity: With multiple tiers, you can significantly increase your storage capacity, making it an ideal solution for high-density storage needs. 
  • Better organization: Organizing products vertically helps maintain order and makes it easier to locate specific items quickly during picking processes. 

Provides Efficient Inventory Management 

  • Easier stock control: The organized layout of multi-tier racking systems simplifies the process of tracking and managing inventory levels. This leads to improved accuracy in stock counts and better overall inventory management practices. 
  • Faster picking times: Easy access to stored items on each tier enables quicker retrieval times during order fulfillment processes. This results in reduced lead times for customers and higher satisfaction rates due to faster delivery speeds.

To further enhance the efficiency offered by multi-tier racking systems, consider integrating them with advanced technologies such as automated guided vehicles (AGVs) or conveyor belts that transport goods between different tiers automatically. Additionally, implementing a robust inventory management software can help you monitor stock levels and optimize warehouse operations seamlessly. 

Overall, multi-tier racking systems provide a practical solution for businesses looking to maximize their storage capacity without compromising on accessibility or efficiency. By making the most of your vertical space, these systems enable you to streamline your warehouse operations and maintain a high level of organization in your inventory management processes. 

Multi-Tier Racking Systems are a great way to maximize warehouse space and provide efficient inventory management. With its gravity-fed design, Carton Flow Rack Systems offer an ideal solution for high-volume order fulfillment. 


Key Takeaway: Multi-tier racking systems are an excellent way to maximize vertical space and optimize warehouse operations, offering increased storage capacity while allowing for quicker retrieval of stored items. By utilizing this type of system, businesses can enjoy improved stock control and faster order fulfillment times with minimal effort. 


Carton Flow Rack Systems 

One of the most efficient and dynamic warehouse racking systems available today is the carton flow rack system. This innovative storage solution utilizes gravity-fed rollers or wheels to move cartons or small items through the system, providing quick and efficient picking solutions. Ideal for warehouses handling high volumes of small products that require fast order fulfillment processes, carton flow racks can significantly improve your warehouse operations. 

Gravity-Fed Design Ensures Smooth Product Movement 

The primary advantage of a carton flow rack system lies in its gravity-fed design. As products are loaded onto one end of the inclined shelves, they smoothly glide down towards the other end where pickers can easily access them. This not only ensures continuous product movement but also reduces manual labor and speeds up order processing times. Moreover, since each lane within a carton flow rack is dedicated to a specific SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), it simplifies inventory management by keeping all similar items together. 

Ideal for High-Volume Order Fulfillment 

In industries with high demand for rapid order fulfillment such as e-commerce businesses or retail distribution centers, implementing a carton flow rack system can be highly beneficial. These systems provide: 

  • Faster Picking Rates: With products always readily accessible at eye level on inclined shelves, pickers can quickly locate and retrieve required items without wasting time searching through pallets or bins. 
  • Better Space Utilization: Carton flow racks make optimal use of vertical space while maintaining wider aisles for easy navigation by staff members and material handling equipment like pallet jacks or trolleys. 
  • Reduced Labor Costs: The gravity-fed design of carton flow racks minimizes the need for manual handling, thus reducing labor costs and increasing overall warehouse efficiency. 

Incorporating a carton flow rack system into your existing warehouse layout can help streamline operations, improve inventory management, and ultimately boost customer satisfaction by ensuring faster order processing times. Consult a knowledgeable warehouse solutions specialist to find out how this high-density storage system can benefit your company. 


Key Takeaway: This cutting-edge warehouse racking system utilizes gravity-fed rollers to smoothly transport items, allowing for faster picking rates and improved space utilization. By reducing manual labor costs and providing a simple inventory management solution, carton flow rack systems are an ideal choice for businesses seeking quick order fulfillment times. 


Warehouse Racking Conclusion 

Maximizing storage space and improving warehouse operations can be achieved through the utilization of industrial racking systems. With a variety of options available, including adjustable pallet racking, VNA racking, double deep pallet racks, compact storage systems, longspan shelving solutions and multi-tier racking systems – as well as carton flow rack systems – businesses can find the right solution for their needs. By taking advantage of these innovative technologies in order to optimize their warehouses’ capacity and capabilities they are able to increase productivity while reducing costs. 

Take the first step towards creating an efficient and safe warehouse environment by exploring our selection of industrial racking systems. Our solutions are designed to help you maximize your storage capacity while ensuring optimal safety for your staff and inventory. 

Call or Contact Us today to get started!